Debunking 5 Common Myths About Boudoir Photography
Discover the truth about boudoir photography as a seasoned photographer from Vernon BC debunks 5 common myths. From lingerie misconceptions to location stereotypes, gain a fresh perspective on this empowering experience. Ready to embrace self-love? Start your boudoir journey today!
Me, The Introvert
A reflection on being introverted and sharing a series of intimate self portraits documenting my quiet life. Weeks 1-4 of a 52 week project.
One Simple Truth to Feeling More Confident.
“Confidence comes from not always being right, but from not fearing being wrong.” - Elanor Roosevelt
Why Time Flies By and How Documentary Family Photography Can Help You Make the Most of It.
We have all heard the expression “time flies when you’re having fun.” Documentary family photography is a great way to remember the years as the memories begin to fade.