Hey! I’m Lianne
I’ve always been better at writing these things for my friends - seriously! But, now that I say that, maybe that is part of what makes me good at my job. It’s so easy for me to see what makes people so interesting, beautiful, and wonderfully unique.
I’ve always been an observer, drawn to the subtle language of expressions and movement. Turns out, years of awkward introversion have led me to creating vulnerable, emotive, and deeply personal portraits!
And, I am SO PASSIONATE about it. I’m certainly known for my many (many!) exclamations while shooting haha.
let’s start a
When I first moved to the Okanagan Valley, I made a very important choice: I would treat everyone that I met as if we were already friends. It was my way of stepping out of my shell, fully embracing who I am, and finding authentic connection, fearlessly.
That philosophy still shapes my work today. When you step in front of my camera, I see you. I listen, I guide, I laugh with you. I want to know your story because the more of you that shines through, the more powerful your portraits will be.
This experience isn’t just about taking photos—it’s about feeling something. Confidence, self-acceptance, and wildly empowered.
I love every second of giving that to others.
A few things
you should
know about me:
— If you catch me out in the wild, I’m likely wandering the creek trails with my dog, Timber, sneaking out on my paddle board at sunset, or (in the winter) skiing at Silver Star.
— Oat lattes fuel my mornings/existence
— Brooklyn 99, The Office keep me laughing.
— I can’t stop bingeing Harry Potter movies and Bridgerton
— Self-portraits were where my photography journey began, and they still hold a special place in my heart.
— Oh! And I can’t wait to create something beautiful with you. :)